My Daily Android

Tutorials, tips, guides, manuals, opinions and reviews

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Welcome to My Daily Android !!!

Hello world. Welcome to My Daily Android.Thank you for making time to be here.... (serves a cup of coffee). You can call me Tom or Tommy or Munyiri. Now that we know each other, let me tell you what My Daily Android is all about.
The other day i decided to start blogging on WordPress. So i quickly set up My Daily Android on as it's free (free hosting and free domain ). However,  after staying there for 2 weeks, i decided to create the blog here on Blogger. did not fit my interests as it has some restrictions on themes and monetization. I look forward to moving this site to in future if i get enough funds. Hope i' ll get a sponsor here (laughs sheepishly ). is the best CMS ie Content Management System in my opinion.
Of course i have been blogging but on Google's Blogger platform. I started blogging in 2013. I copy pasted content from other sites for some time but then decided to write my own original content. Free advice, please don't do the former as i did,it's very dangerous. I started this blog to share my knowledge with the online community and to learn from it also. The future is mobile and online. I'll also showcase my work on this blog which will include some android apps i've created.
I'll be writing tutorials, tips, reviews, opinions, manuals, guides and much more. I'll also be providing source codes and examples. With that said, you can guess that many of my posts shall be computer related. However, i'll not be blogging about Android alone as the blog's name suggests. I just thought that the name was cool ...(give your thoughts on that in the comment box below). I'll keep it 60% Android and the rest shall be general info. Guest posts shall be published at no fee.
By God's grace i hope you may learn a lot from my blog posts. And just a reminder, i develop Android apps. You can get my apps here. I always welcome comments. Karibu!Danke world!

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